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Disease relevance of Hemoperitoneum


High impact information on Hemoperitoneum


Chemical compound and disease context of Hemoperitoneum


Biological context of Hemoperitoneum


Anatomical context of Hemoperitoneum


Gene context of Hemoperitoneum

  • Autosomal dominant polycystic liver disease as an etiology for hemoperitoneum during CCPD [17].
  • In patients with hemoperitoneum, celiac angiography is advocated for diagnosis when immediate surgery is not indicated [18].
  • The classic presentation is a triad of bleeding, abdominal distension, and hemoperitoneum [19].
  • It has been shown to be as accurate as DPL and computed tomography (CT) in the detection of hemoperitoneum following abdominal trauma [20].
  • CONCLUSION: Treatment with methotrexate is effective and safe in the presence of these criteria: patient hemodynamically stable, absence of tubal rupture sign and hemoperitoneum, an adnexal mass with a diameter < or = 5 cm, an amenorrhea < or = 6 weeks and HCG levels < or = 10,000 mIU/ml [21].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Hemoperitoneum


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