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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Structure of the gene encoding the M1 protein of sonchus yellow net virus.

The gene encoding the M1 protein of sonchus yellow net virus (SYNV), a plant rhabdovirus, has been sequenced and identified by Western blot analysis of SYNV proteins using antibodies directed against a fusion protein derived from a portion of the sequenced gene. The M1 gene is positioned between nucleotides 4039 and 5109 relative to the 3' end of the viral RNA and is the fourth gene from the 3' end of the genome. The 1071-nucleotide (nt) M1 gene lies between a putative nonstructural gene of unknown function and the gene encoding the glycoprotein and is bordered on either side by the same GG intergenic dinucleotide that separates other genes in the SYNV genome. The M1 mRNA (scRNA 6) consists of a 71-nt untranslated region at the 5' terminus followed by an 858-nt open reading frame (ORF) capable of encoding a protein with a calculated molecular weight of 31,779. The amino acid sequence deduced from this ORF is not highly homologous to those of other rhabdovirus matrix proteins, but has some localized regions of similarity. The UGA codon that terminates the M1 ORF is followed by a 3' untranslated region of 142 nt. The viral RNA (minus-sense) sequence corresponding to the extreme 3' end of the mRNA contains a 9-nt tract (3'-AUUGUUUUU-5') that is identical to the sequences at the termini of other SYNV genes.[1]


  1. Structure of the gene encoding the M1 protein of sonchus yellow net virus. Hillman, B.I., Heaton, L.A., Hunter, B.G., Modrell, B., Jackson, A.O. Virology (1990) [Pubmed]
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