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Gene Review

G  -  glycoprotein

Sonchus yellow net virus

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Disease relevance of G

  • The gene junctions on either side of the G gene on the genomic RNA are identical to those previously described for other SYNV genes and are similar to sequences separating genes of animal rhabdoviruses [1].
  • The predicted molecular weight of the G protein is 70,215 Da, a value less than the 77,000 Da estimated for the glycosylated G protein from virus particles [1].
  • Immunoblots with antibodies elecited against the purified glycoprotein from virus particles reacted with a fusion protein produced in Escherichia coli, indicating that the cloned ORF encodes the G protein [1].

High impact information on G

  • The proteins encoded by the SYNV mRNAs, in order of the appearance of their genes in the SYNV genome, are designated 3'-N-M2-sc4-M1-G-L-5' (N, nucleoprotein; M, matrix protein; sc, protein encoded by SYNV complementary RNA; G, glycoprotein; L, large protein) [2].
  • The deduced amino acid sequence of the SYNV G protein shares little direct relatedness with the G proteins of other rhabdoviruses, but appears to contain a similar signal sequence, a transmembrane anchor domain, and glycosylation signals [1].
  • The nucleotide sequence of the glycoprotein (G) gene of sonchus yellow net virus (SYNV), a plant rhabdovirus, was determined from viral genomic and mRNA cDNA clones [1].
  • The G cistron is 2045 nucleotides (nt) long and the G protein mRNA open reading frame (ORF), as determined from the cDNA sequence, contains 1896 nt and encodes a protein of 632 amino acids [1].
  • In addition, the SYNV G protein contains a putative nuclear targeting site near the carboxy terminus, which may be involved in transit to the nuclear membrane prior to morphogenesis [1].

Biological context of G

  • The 5' end of the G protein mRNA corresponds to nt 5111, relative to the 3' end of the viral (minus sense) genome, as determined by primer extension from mRNA isolated from infected plants, and extends to nt position 7155 on the genomic RNA [1].

Anatomical context of G


Other interactions of G

  • The 1071-nucleotide (nt) M1 gene lies between a putative nonstructural gene of unknown function and the gene encoding the glycoprotein and is bordered on either side by the same GG intergenic dinucleotide that separates other genes in the SYNV genome [4].


  1. Structure of the glycoprotein gene of sonchus yellow net virus, a plant rhabdovirus. Goldberg, K.B., Modrell, B., Hillman, B.I., Heaton, L.A., Choi, T.J., Jackson, A.O. Virology (1991) [Pubmed]
  2. Physical map of the genome of sonchus yellow net virus, a plant rhabdovirus with six genes and conserved gene junction sequences. Heaton, L.A., Hillman, B.I., Hunter, B.G., Zuidema, D., Jackson, A.O. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1989) [Pubmed]
  3. Replication of sonchus yellow net virus in infected protoplasts. Jones, R.W., Jackson, A.O. Virology (1990) [Pubmed]
  4. Structure of the gene encoding the M1 protein of sonchus yellow net virus. Hillman, B.I., Heaton, L.A., Hunter, B.G., Modrell, B., Jackson, A.O. Virology (1990) [Pubmed]
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