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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Expression of cellular-yes protein in mammalian tissues.

Expression of the c-yes proto-oncogene in normal mammalian tissues was studied by immunohistochemistry and by immunoprecipitation assays using affinity purified anti-yes IgG. The antibody was raised against the amino-terminal domain of the human c-yes protein expressed in bacteria as a trpE-yes fusion protein. We detected p62c-yes in a variety of rat and human tissues but its relative level of expression varied significantly among different cell types. Certain epithelial cells, platelets and spermatid acrosomes showed the highest levels of p62c-yes. Intracellular localization of p62c-yes in epithelial cells differed among organs performing different physiological functions. The overall pattern of expression suggests that p62c-yes may be involved in numerous cellular pathways.[1]


  1. Expression of cellular-yes protein in mammalian tissues. Zhao, Y.H., Krueger, J.G., Sudol, M. Oncogene (1990) [Pubmed]
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