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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Isolation and characterization of mutants affecting functional domains of ColE1 RNAI.

The control of DNA replication initiation in the plasmid ColE1 is mediated by RNAI, a 108 nucleotide plasmid-encoded RNA that is entirely complementary to the 5'-terminal region of the replication primer RNA. RNAI acts in trans to inhibit primer maturation. Previously, we constructed a plasmid in which the ColE1 RNAI was separated from the primer and placed under transcriptional control of the Serratia marcesens tryptophan promoter. This plasmid provides RNAI in trans in vivo and mediates ColE1-type incompatibility. To determine the critical structural and functional domains of RNAI, we have undertaken a mutational analysis of the RNAI gene carried by this plasmid. We have selected mutants that no longer mediate ColE1-type incompatibility in trans. From the DNA sequences of 18 mutants we have identified mutations at nine new sites in RNAI. In addition, we have determined the secondary structural features of several mutant RNAI species and compared them to wild-type RNAI. Analysis of these mutations has revealed several key features of RNAI secondary structure and function. The domains of RNAI identified in this work which are essential for its function are: the single-stranded loop regions; the integrity of the double-stranded stems; and the single-stranded 5' terminus.[1]


  1. Isolation and characterization of mutants affecting functional domains of ColE1 RNAI. Dooley, T.P., Tamm, J., Polisky, B. J. Mol. Biol. (1985) [Pubmed]
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