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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Ribavirin antagonizes the effect of azidothymidine on HIV replication.

Azidothymidine and ribavirin both inhibit replication of human immunodeficiency virus in vitro and show promise of clinical utility in patients infected with this virus. In this study, the possible interactions of these drugs were examined in vitro, and a reproducible antagonism between azidothymidine and ribavirin was found to occur under a variety of experimental conditions. The mechanism responsible for this antagonism appeared to be inhibition of azidothymidine phosphorylation by ribavirin. Because similar effects may occur in vivo, clinical trials of these two drugs in combination must be performed only under carefully controlled conditions.[1]


  1. Ribavirin antagonizes the effect of azidothymidine on HIV replication. Vogt, M.W., Hartshorn, K.L., Furman, P.A., Chou, T.C., Fyfe, J.A., Coleman, L.A., Crumpacker, C., Schooley, R.T., Hirsch, M.S. Science (1987) [Pubmed]
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