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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Both short- and long-term effects of nerve growth factor on tyrosine hydroxylase in calf adrenal chromaffin cells are blocked by S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase inhibitors.

We have previously shown that primary cultures of calf chromaffin cells respond to nerve growth factor (NGF) treatment with a selective induction of tyrosine hydroxylase ( TH), which takes 48 h to be manifested. In the present study, we report that short exposure of calf chromaffin cells to NGF (5-60 min) results in TH activation, which involves a change in the Vmax of the enzyme with no change in the number of enzyme molecules, similar to an effect that has been previously reported in PC12 cells. This activation is markedly potentiated when the chromaffin cells are plated on a laminin substrate, such that after 5 min of NGF exposure, there is an approximately fourfold increase in the TH activity. Both short-term activation and long-term TH induction brought about by NGF treatment are blocked by 5'-deoxy-5'-methylthioadenosine and other drugs that act as S-adenosylhomocysteine (SAH) hydrolase inhibitors to block methylation by end-product inhibition. These drugs did not inhibit cyclic AMP-mediated TH activation or increases in the levels of TH. However, measurements of the degree of blockade of methylation in cells treated with these drugs, taken together with conceptual information regarding the nonregulatory nature of methylation in eukaryotic cells, were not consistent with inhibition of methylation as the crucial effect of the drugs to block the effects of NGF. Nonetheless, since SAH hydrolase inhibitors selectively inhibited NGF-mediated effects, and not comparable effects triggered by other stimuli, these compounds provide useful tools in future studies of the biochemical signalling mechanism of NGF.[1]


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