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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Omeprazole in peptic ulcers resistant to histamine H2-receptor antagonists.

Eighteen patients with duodenal, gastric or jejunal ulcers, resistant to at least 3 months treatment with histamine H2-receptor antagonists, singly or in combination with other anti-ulcer drugs, were treated with 40 mg omeprazole once daily for up to 8 weeks. All ulcers healed, the majority within two weeks. After ulcer healing patients were given maintenance therapy with high doses of cimetidine or ranitidine. Of 15 patients on maintenance therapy with H2-receptor antagonists, 12 (80%) developed a relapse after a period ranging from 3 to 52 weeks. Two patients were lost to follow-up. After re-healing on 40 mg omeprazole, two patients were given 20 mg omeprazole daily as maintenance therapy but relapses occurred again after 14 and 26 weeks respectively. After re-healing on 40 mg omeprazole, these two patients and one additional patient received maintenance therapy with 40 mg omeprazole daily. At present these three patients have been relapse-free for periods varying from 16 to 52 weeks. No side effects were registered during treatment with omeprazole. It is therefore concluded that omeprazole is highly effective in healing refractory peptic ulcers and that omeprazole maintenance therapy may be useful for prevention of relapse. Patients are sometimes seen with peptic ulceration which appears resistant to therapy with histamine H2-receptor antagonists, colloidal bismuth subcitrate, sucralfate or pirenzepine, either given as monotherapy for a prolonged period of time or as combination therapy. Usually the reason for such therapeutic failure remains obscure. Whether virtually total abolition of acid secretion will allow ulcer healing in these circumstances is unknown.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)[1]


  1. Omeprazole in peptic ulcers resistant to histamine H2-receptor antagonists. Tytgat, G.N., Lamers, C.B., Hameeteman, W., Jansen, J.M., Wilson, J.A. Aliment. Pharmacol. Ther. (1987) [Pubmed]
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