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Chemical Compound Review

Zinetac     N-[2-[[5- (dimethylaminomethyl)-2...

Synonyms: SureCN825, CHEMBL1790041, KBioGR_001475, KBioSS_001621, NINDS_000440, ...
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Disease relevance of ranitidine


Psychiatry related information on ranitidine

  • Presently, there are rare reports of gynecomastia, bradycardia, inhibition of acetylcholinesterase, headache, lethargy, diarrhea, and rash in patients receiving ranitidine [5].
  • The more convenient dosage schedule of ranitidine may be important for patient compliance with initial therapy of peptic ulcer disease, and the greater duration of ranitidine antisecretory effects may enhance effectiveness of long-term maintenance therapy by providing more complete inhibition of nocturnal acid secretion [6].
  • No change in choice reaction time or sedation index was detected after cimetidine or ranitidine dosing [7].
  • A series of N-aryl-2-[[[5-[(dimethylamino)methyl]-2- furanyl]methyl]thio]ethylamino analogs of the H2-antagonist, ranitidine, was synthesized and the abilities of the compounds to alleviate the cholinergic deficit characteristic of Alzheimer's disease evaluated [8].
  • The authors report increased serum clozapine levels and adverse side effects during clozapine and cimetidine treatment but not during clozapine and ranitidine treatment in a patient with chronic paranoid schizophrenia [9].

High impact information on ranitidine


Chemical compound and disease context of ranitidine


Biological context of ranitidine


Anatomical context of ranitidine


Associations of ranitidine with other chemical compounds


Gene context of ranitidine


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of ranitidine


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