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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Effect of intrahepatic arterial infusion of 131I-labelled lipiodol on hepatocellular carcinoma of rat.

Intrahepatic arterial infusion of 131I-labelled lipiodol was performed to study the intrahepatic distribution of lipiodol and to determine the radiation effect on 3'-Methyl-4-Dimethylaminobenzene (DAB) induced hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in rats. From the findings of the softex films and scintigrams of the liver, according to the time course, lipiodol was found to accumulate in the tumour tissues parallel with the degree of perfusion, and it remained in the tumour tissues for an extended period probably due to the delay of the degradation of lipiodol compared to that in non tumour tissues. It was noticed that the lipiodol, accumulated and deposited selectively in the tumour tissues, existed mostly in the extracellular space but not in the intracellular space. In histological studies of the resected specimens of the tumours, complete necrosis of hepatocellular carcinoma was recognized 2 to 8 weeks after the infusion of 131I-labelled lipiodol, while there was none in the control group where cold lipiodol was employed. These results suggest that the most effect on hepatocellular carcinoma in this study is caused by the radiation effect of 131I-labelled lipiodol.[1]


  1. Effect of intrahepatic arterial infusion of 131I-labelled lipiodol on hepatocellular carcinoma of rat. Tsai, C., Kusumoto, Y., Harada, R., Shima, M., Nakata, K., Kono, K., Sato, A., Ishii, N., Koji, T., Nagataki, S. Ann. Acad. Med. Singap. (1986) [Pubmed]
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