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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Lesions of testis and epididymis associated with prenatal diethylstilbestrol exposure.

Cryptorchidism and retention of Müllerian duct structures occur with high frequency among the male offspring of CD-1 mice treated with 100 micrograms diethylstilbestrol/kg body weight on days 9 through 16 of pregnancy. Hyperplasia of the rete testis and Müllerian duct structures were found in many of the DES-treated male mice, as was a low but significant number of reproductive tract neoplasms.[1]


  1. Lesions of testis and epididymis associated with prenatal diethylstilbestrol exposure. Bullock, B.C., Newbold, R.R., McLachlan, J.A. Environ. Health Perspect. (1988) [Pubmed]
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