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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Suppressed in vitro blastogenic responsiveness of rat spleen cells after continuous infusion of endotoxin by an implanted osmotic pump.

Continuous infusion of a gram-negative bacterial endotoxin in relatively small doses into rats by means of an implanted osmotic pump was studied. The model system was designed to examine the effects of endotoxin on the blastogenic response of spleen cells to the endotoxin itself and to a nonspecific T-cell mitogen, concanavalin A (Con A). Rats were implanted with an osmotic pump which delivered saline for the first 42 hr to provide postsurgical recovery before the onset of endotoxin infusion. Previous studies had shown that during the first 1-4 days after administration of endotoxin marked alterations of metabolism and some changes in physiologic parameters such as blood pressure and in vitro myocardial performance occurred. In the present study the blastogenic responsiveness of spleen cells to endotoxin itself as well as to the nonspecific T-cell mitogen Con A was markedly decreased after several days of continuous administration of endotoxin. Control animals receiving only saline for the same period of time showed a similar depression of blastogenic responsiveness to the lipopolysaccharide (LPS), as well as to Con A, however, with a delay of 2-4 days before comparable levels of suppression became evident. These results indicate that marked alterations of immune competence as measured by blastogenesis of spleen cells to Escherichia coli LPS and to a mitogen such as Con A may occur after implantation of an osmotic pump, with or without continuous infusion of endotoxin. Further studies seem warranted to determine the role of the foreign body reaction to the osmotic pump as well as to the endotoxin administered by the pump.[1]


  1. Suppressed in vitro blastogenic responsiveness of rat spleen cells after continuous infusion of endotoxin by an implanted osmotic pump. Spitzer, J.A., Friedman, H., Newton, C., Widen, R., Pross, S., Klein, T.W. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. (1987) [Pubmed]
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