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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Interference of the Paf antagonist Ro 19-3704 with Paf and antigen-induced bronchoconstriction in the guinea-pig.

1. In vitro, Ro 19-3704, a structurally related antagonist of platelet-activating factor (Paf) inhibited selectively rabbit platelet aggregation. In vivo, administered intravenously, it inhibited bronchoconstriction, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia and the accompanying accumulation of platelet aggregates in guinea-pig lung microvessels induced by i.v. Paf. Administered by aerosol, Ro 19-3704 failed to inhibit bronchoconstriction, thrombocytopenia or leukopenia due to i.v. Paf. 2. Bronchoconstriction induced by Paf, in aerosol form, was blocked by Ro 19-3704 administered by the i.v. or aerosol route, which suggests that it interacts with pulmonary cells responsible for bronchoconstriction. 3. Ro 19-3704 has free radical scavenging properties, since it inhibited the production of superoxide anions by macrophages stimulated by Paf and by N-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine (FMLP). Ro 18-7715, another Paf antagonist and analogue of Ro 19-3704, failed to inhibit the production of superoxide anions by macrophages stimulated by FMLP at concentrations which were effective against Paf. 4. Administered intravenously, Ro 19-3704 failed to block bronchoconstriction induced by an i.v. injection of ovalbumin to guinea-pigs passively sensitized with anti-ovalbumin antiserum. Passive pulmonary anaphylaxis due to an aerosol of ovalbumin was blocked by i.v. Ro 19-3704.[1]


  1. Interference of the Paf antagonist Ro 19-3704 with Paf and antigen-induced bronchoconstriction in the guinea-pig. Lagente, V., Desquand, S., Hadvary, P., Cirino, M., Lellouch-Tubiana, A., Lefort, J., Vargaftig, B.B. Br. J. Pharmacol. (1988) [Pubmed]
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