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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Autoradiography of tobramycin uptake by the proximal and distal tubules of normal and endotoxin-treated rats.

Multiple factors may modify the pharmacokinetics of aminoglycosides and increase their nephrotoxic potential. In the present study, the influence of Escherichia coli endotoxin on the renal handling of [3H]tobramycin was investigated. The accumulation of [3H]tobramycin in proximal tubules, distal tubules, and collecting ducts was compared in both normal and endotoxin-injected (0.25 mg/kg) rats. Histological observations were also made. Blood pressure and cardiac frequency were recorded, and renal function was evaluated with labeled inulin and p-aminohippuric acid. Following administration of endotoxin, disturbed intrarenal localization of the drug was noted. Grain counts were affected in both proximal and distal tubules. Increased labeling was observed at all time intervals in the proximal tubules. In the distal tubules of endotoxemic animals we could detect higher amounts of drug at 10 and 60 min in the medulla and at 10 min in the cortex. Not all of the tubules were labeled to the same extent. No histological lesion was noted on light microscopy in animals receiving either normal saline or endotoxin. The dose of endotoxin used resulted in very fine physiological disturbance. Both blood pressure and cardiac frequency were minimally affected by endotoxin. Decreases in glomerular filtration rate and renal plasma flow were observed. However, none of these changes was statistically significant. The present study has shown that low doses of endotoxin alter the renal handling of aminoglycosides in the absence of any major physiological disturbance or histological changes. By increasing the total amount of drug within the kidney, endotoxin might increase the nephrotoxic potential of aminoglycosides.[1]


  1. Autoradiography of tobramycin uptake by the proximal and distal tubules of normal and endotoxin-treated rats. Bergeron, M.G., Bergeron, Y., Marois, Y. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. (1986) [Pubmed]
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