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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Effects of iron overload on bile secretion and hepatic porphyrin metabolism in ethinyl estradiol-treated rats.

We investigated the effects of ethinyl estradiol (5 mg/kg body wt daily for 5 days, orally) and/or iron sorbitol (50 mg/kg body wt daily for 5 days, i.m.) on bile flow, bile salt independent fraction (BSIF), hepatic delta-aminolevulinate synthase (ALA-S) and uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase (URO-D) in female rats. Ethinyl estradiol administration was associated with a significant decrease of bile flow and BSIF and an increase in URO-D activity in comparison to control values. Iron alone did not modify biliary parameters, but significantly increased the activity of ALA-S. Combined treatment with ethinyl estradiol plus iron partially corrected the reduction of BSIF and restored the activity of ALA-S and URO-D to control levels. Thus iron appears to exert a partially protective effect against ethinyl estradiol-induced cholestasis. No porphyrinogenic effect was observed.[1]


  1. Effects of iron overload on bile secretion and hepatic porphyrin metabolism in ethinyl estradiol-treated rats. Cantoni, L., Di Padova, C., Rizzardini, M., Dal Fiume, D., Graziani, A., Rovagnati, P., Tritapepe, R. Toxicology (1986) [Pubmed]
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