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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Progenitor cells from embryonic chick dorsal root ganglia differentiate in vitro to neurons: biochemical and electrophysiological evidence.

We have analyzed the appearance of neurons and glial cells in chick dorsal root ganglia during development. Neurons were identified by the presence of polysialogangliosides recognized by tetanus toxin (GD1b, GT1) or by the monoclonal antibody Q211 directed against polysialogangliosides containing four, five and six sialic acid residues. Glial cells were identified by the presence of 04 antigen. A population of undifferentiated cells, i.e., cells which express neither neuronal nor glial cell surface antigens, present in dorsal root ganglia until embryonic day 7, was separated from the neuronal and glial population. This cell population contains neuronal progenitor cells which differentiate to neurons within 1 day in culture. This differentiation process is characterized by the appearance of neuronal morphology, of neuron-specific gangliosides and by the appearance of voltage-dependent sodium and calcium channels.[1]


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