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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Aerosolized ribavirin treatment of infants with respiratory syncytial viral infection. A randomized double-blind study.

We evaluated a new antiviral agent, ribavirin, in the treatment of infants hospitalized with lower-respiratory-tract disease from respiratory syncytial virus. Ribavirin or placebo was administered to 33 infants in a double-blind manner by continuous aerosol for three to six days. Seventeen infants were treated with placebo, and 16 with ribavirin. By the end of treatment, infants receiving ribavirin had significantly greater improvement in their overall score for severity of illness, in lower-respiratory-tract signs, and in arterial oxygen saturation. Viral shedding was also diminished in the treated groups as compared with the placebo group. No side effects or toxicity were associated with the aerosol therapy. Isolates of respiratory syncytial virus obtained from the infants over the course of therapy showed no change in sensitivity to ribavirin.[1]


  1. Aerosolized ribavirin treatment of infants with respiratory syncytial viral infection. A randomized double-blind study. Hall, C.B., McBride, J.T., Walsh, E.E., Bell, D.M., Gala, C.L., Hildreth, S., Ten Eyck, L.G., Hall, W.J. N. Engl. J. Med. (1983) [Pubmed]
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