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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Clinical evaluation of piroxicam in acute musculoskeletal injuries seen in general practice.

One hundred and sixty patients with acute musculoskeletal injuries were treated with piroxicam in conjunction with conventional methods of therapy. The median duration of therapy was 7 days, the majority of patients taking 20 mg piroxicam once daily. Assessments made before and at the end of treatment showed significant improvement in stiffness, swelling, heat, pain on movement, loss of movement and loss of function, and the overall effectiveness of treatment was rated by the physicians as excellent or moderate in 145 (94.8%) of the 153 patients with complete records. On patient self-assessment of daytime and night time pain, loss of function and need for supplementary analgesia (with paracetamol only), improvement was rated as marked or moderate by 119 (86.8%) of the 137 patients with adequately recorded assessments. Side-effects, mainly gastro-intestinal, occurred in 16 patients, but only in 1 patient did treatment have to be stopped.[1]


  1. Clinical evaluation of piroxicam in acute musculoskeletal injuries seen in general practice. Williamson, C.M. Current medical research and opinion. (1983) [Pubmed]
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