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Chemical Compound Review

YM-11170     3-[[2- (diaminomethylideneamino)- 1,3...

Synonyms: Pepcidac, Famotidina, Gastro, Famotidinum, Prestwick_212, ...
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Disease relevance of MK 208

  • Familial multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (FMEN1) is an autosomal dominant trait characterized by tumors of the parathyroids, gastro-intestinal endocrine tissue, anterior pituitary and other tissues [1].
  • Toxic side effects, i.e., damage to the gastro-intestinal tract and hemorrhages in the lungs, were more pronounced with full dose either in the single or the split daily dose regimen [2].
  • Aortoesophageal fistula (AEF) is a relatively rare but life-threatening cause of upper gastro-intestinal bleeding [3].
  • RESULTS OF DATA SYNTHESIS: A high incidence of lymphoma primarily in the gastro-intestinal tract in Third World countries has stimulated enormous epidemiologic and pathogenetic interests globally [4].
  • The efficacy and safety of prazosin GITS (gastro-intestinal therapeutic system), a new extended-release once-a-day formulation, were assessed both as monotherapy in mild essential hypertension and in combination with a diuretic in moderate essential hypertension in two multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials [5].

Psychiatry related information on MK 208

  • We compared the outcomes of PO and IV DEX administration because of individual differences in gastro-intestinal absorption of DEX and the issue of noncompliance in patients undergoing the dexamethasone suppression test (DST) [6].
  • Fluvoxamine provided a good clinical efficacy for six of these patients, whereas the other ten had to discontinue the drug because of the presence of severe adverse effects such as acute total insomnia, gastro-intestinal disturbances together with anorexia, aggressive and impulsive behavior and excessive sedation [7].
  • Dietary habits and gastro-intestinal cancers: a comparative case-control study of stomach and large intestinal cancers in Nagoya, Japan [8].
  • Physical activity potentially encourages a healthy lifestyle, and it could have more direct effects on certain forms of carcinogenesis (for instance, by a speeding of gastro-intestinal transit, or a moderation of sex hormone levels) [9].
  • Geophagia was postulated to occur in animals who experience a generalized stress reponse since this state may involve gastro-intestinal malaise [10].

High impact information on MK 208


Chemical compound and disease context of MK 208


Biological context of MK 208

  • The results of this study show interspecies and organ differences between calmodulin binding proteins, but suggest that a 67 kDa protein is the major binding protein present throughout normal gastro-intestinal tract and neoplastic human tissue [21].
  • AIMS: The aim was to investigate the effects of biliary obstruction and isolated external biliary diversion on gastro-intestinal structure and caecal bacterial flora in relation to bacterial translocation [22].
  • The DCC tumor suppressor gene has been shown to be frequently deleted or its expression reduced or absent in colorectal, gastro-intestinal, pancreatic, prostatic, and breast carcinomas, and glioblastomas [23].
  • The aim of this study was to investigate gastro-intestinal protein loss in adults with congenital heart disease, both with and without Fontan surgery, and to correlate findings with systemic venous pressure [24].
  • The human pathogen Vibrio cholerae employs such an assembly, called the Eps system, for the export of its major virulence factor, cholera toxin, from its periplasm into the lumen of the gastro-intestinal tract of the host [25].

Anatomical context of MK 208


Associations of MK 208 with other chemical compounds

  • Published data have indicated that metoclopramide assists radiological identification of lesions in the small intestine, facilitates duodenal intubation and small intestine biopsy, and eases emergency endoscopy in upper gastro-intestinal haemorrhage [31].
  • The inducible COX-2 enzyme is responsible for some aspects of pain and inflammation in arthritis while the constitutive COX-1 enzyme appears responsible for most of the gastro-protective prostaglandin synthesis in the stomach and duodenum [32].
  • In most instances, increasing the rate of gastric emptying and gastro-intestinal motility increases the rate of absorption of a drug but, for digoxin and riboflavin, increased gastrointestinal motility is associated with a decrease in the rate of absorption [33].
  • We conclude that intravenous famotidine can maintain intragastric pH greater than 6 in fasting patients with acute upper gastro-intestinal bleeding from peptic ulceration [34].
  • Outcome of patients with advanced gastro-intestinal stromal tumours crossing over to a daily imatinib dose of 800 mg after progression on 400 mg [35].

Gene context of MK 208


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of MK 208


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