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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Map locations and functions of Salmonella typhimurium men genes.

Menaquinone (men) mutants of Salmonella typhimurium isolated on the basis of their inability to produce trimethylamine were characterized with respect to mutation site, the ability to cross-feed each other and be cross-fed by known Escherichia coli men mutants, and response to intermediates of the menaquinone biosynthetic pathway. Cross-feeding tests were based on the requirement of menaquinone for hydrogen sulfide production. Genotypes corresponding to the menA, B, C, D, and possibly E genes described in E. coli were all identified. Additional studies of deletions in the menBCD area revealed that this cluster lies between ack/pta and glpT, as in E. coli. The ack and pta mutants were also defective in the production of trimethylamine and failed to produce gas in the absence of added formate.[1]


  1. Map locations and functions of Salmonella typhimurium men genes. Kwan, H.S., Barrett, E.L. J. Bacteriol. (1984) [Pubmed]
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