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Gene Review

pta  -  phosphate acetyltransferase

Escherichia coli O157:H7 str. EDL933

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Disease relevance of pta

  • Our laboratory previously studied the interaction between nuo and the acetate-producing pathway encoded by ackA-pta in Escherichia coli [1].

High impact information on pta

  • The ackA-pta mutant has a pfl::lacZ expression level much higher than that of the wild-type strain, and cultures also exhibit the highest ethanol production [1].
  • PTasRNAs targeted against the ackA gene within the acetate kinase-phosphotransacetylase operon (ackA-pta) triggered target mRNA decay and a 78% reduction in AckA activity with high genetic penetrance [2].


  1. Expression of the pfl gene and resulting metabolite flux distribution in nuo and ackA-pta E. coli mutant strains. Singh, R., Yang, Y.T., Lu, B., Bennett, G.N., San, K.Y. Biotechnol. Prog. (2006) [Pubmed]
  2. Paired termini stabilize antisense RNAs and enhance conditional gene silencing in Escherichia coli. Nakashima, N., Tamura, T., Good, L. Nucleic Acids Res. (2006) [Pubmed]
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