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Roentgenographic study of cavus foot deformity in Friedreich ataxia patients: preliminary report.

The preliminary results based on a three year retrospective study in cavus foot deformity of forty-four Friedreich ataxia patients regularly seen at the Neuromuscular Disease Clinic of Sainte-Justine Hospital have been presented. An accurate "weight-bearing" foot stereoradiographic technique has been recently developed by our group. Since the follow-up period with this device is not sufficient to provide statistical information, the conventional non-weight bearing technique has been utilized in this study to enable a possible comparison between the radiographs of ambulant and non-ambulant patients. Due to the present technique, the results of this study must be interpreted with caution. For 132 pairs of radiographs, 28 parameters have been analyzed. Four of these, namely the calcaneal inclination angle, the first metatarsal inclination angle, the inferior cortex of calcaneus-first metatarsal angle and the first-fifth metatarsals angle, were of particular interest. From these parameters, a preliminary quantitative description of cavus foot deformity in Friedreich's ataxia has been attempted. Three stages of evolution have been tentatively identified for this type of neurological disorder.[1]


  1. Roentgenographic study of cavus foot deformity in Friedreich ataxia patients: preliminary report. Allard, P., Sirois, J.P., Thiry, P.S., Geoffroy, G., Duhaime, M. The Canadian journal of neurological sciences. Le journal canadien des sciences neurologiques. (1982) [Pubmed]
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