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Gene Review

FXN  -  frataxin

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: CyaY, FA, FARR, FRDA, Frataxin, mitochondrial, ...
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Disease relevance of FXN


Psychiatry related information on FXN


High impact information on FXN

  • Friedreich ataxia (FRDA), the most common autosomal recessive neurodegenerative disease among Europeans and people of European descent, is characterized by an early onset (usually before the age of 25), progressive ataxia, sensory loss, absence of tendon reflexes and pyramidal weakness of the legs [10].
  • Mouse models for Friedreich ataxia exhibit cardiomyopathy, sensory nerve defect and Fe-S enzyme deficiency followed by intramitochondrial iron deposits [11].
  • We have recently identified a unique group of patients whose clinical presentations are characterized by autosomal recessive inheritance, early age of onset, FRDA-like clinical presentations and hypoalbuminemia [10].
  • Friedreich's ataxia (FRDA) is an autosomal recessive degenerative disorder that primarily affects the nervous system and heart [12].
  • FRDA is caused primarily by a GAA repeat expansion within the first intron of the frataxin gene, which accounts for 98% of mutant alleles [4].

Chemical compound and disease context of FXN


Biological context of FXN


Anatomical context of FXN


Associations of FXN with chemical compounds

  • The iron-loaded homopolymer can be detected on non-denaturing gels by either protein or iron staining demonstrating a stable association between frataxin and iron [1].
  • Given the shared clinical features between Friedreich ataxia, vitamin E deficiency and some mitochondriopathies, our data suggest that a reduction in frataxin results in oxidative damage [21].
  • Iron-sulfur protein maturation in human cells: evidence for a function of frataxin [22].
  • Upon frataxin depletion by RNAi, the enzyme activities of the mitochondrial Fe/S proteins, aconitase and succinate dehydrogenase, were decreased, while the activities of non-Fe/S proteins remained constant [22].
  • Iron-sulfur cluster biosynthesis. Characterization of frataxin as an iron donor for assembly of [2Fe-2S] clusters in ISU-type proteins [23].

Physical interactions of FXN

  • These data suggest that frataxin binds the iron-sulfur biogenesis Nfs1/ISCU complex through ISD11, that the interaction is nickel-dependent, and that multiple consequences of frataxin deficiency are duplicated by ISD11 deficiency [24].

Other interactions of FXN

  • In this study, we report the co-existence, in a 5-year old boy with FA, of a double mutation in two distinct genes [X25 (A allele: 850 triplets; B allele: 1000 triplets), and cardiac troponin T (TNNT2) (287G>A)] [2].
  • Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is a common finding in FA, and it is widely recognised as specific for the diagnosis of disease status [2].
  • In order to investigate whether retained tendon reflexes are characteristic of FRDA caused by the second locus, FRDA2, we studied an unrelated FRDA patient with retained tendon reflexes [25].
  • Using RT-PCR, northern and sequence analyses, we now demonstrate that X25 comprises part of the STM7 gene, contributing to at least four splice variants, and report the identification of new coding sequences [26].
  • METHODS: Small-pool polymerase chain reaction analysis, a sensitive technique that allows the measurement of repeat length in individual FXN genes, was used to analyze somatic instability of the expanded GAA triplet-repeat sequence in multiple tissues obtained from six autopsies of Friedreich's ataxia patients [3].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of FXN

  • In radiolabeled yeast cells, human frataxin is recovered by immunoprecipitation with approximately five atoms of (55)Fe bound per molecule [1].
  • When the human frataxin precursor is expressed in S.cerevisiae, the mitochondrially generated mature form is separated by gel filtration into monomer and a high molecular weight pool of >600 kDa [1].
  • In situ hybridization analyses revealed that mouse frataxin expression correlates well with the main site of neurodegeneration, but the expression pattern is broader than expected from the pathology of the disease [27].
  • Here, we developed a cell culture model in which the RNA interference (RNAi) technology was used to deplete a potential component of Fe/S protein maturation, frataxin, in human HeLa cells [22].
  • We identified the mitochondrial processing peptidase beta (MPPbeta) as a frataxin protein partner using the yeast two-hybrid assay [28].


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