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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

The effect of 5-iodouracil on the growth and biosynthetic processes of bacteriophage T4td8 in the absence of light.

5-Iodouracil (IUra)-substituted progeny bacteriophage T4td8 were grown under conditions such that, upon CsCl equilibrium isopycnic gradient centrifugation, progeny with density distributions about the median similar to that of unsubstituted phage are obtained. In the absence of light a monotonic relationship exists between decreasing progeny viability and increasing percent IUra substitution. IUra is equivalent to thymine as a growth factor on a molar basis, and at concentrations of IUra plus thymine above that required for maximum particle production, the percent IUra substitution in phage DNA is determined by the mole fraction of IUra in the medium. The lethal effects of 5-iodo-2'-deoxyuridine (IdUrd) and IUra are equivalent, and are not produced by a direct effect on the phage particles. At equivalent percent substitution in phage DNA the order of lethality is IUra greater than 5-bromouracil (BrUra) greater than 5-chlorouracil (ClUra). There is no interference with the transfer of thymine from host cell to progeny phage by the presence of IUra in the medium, and IUra affects neither the time of lysis nor the content of phage DNA in the infected cells.[1]


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