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Chemical Compound Review

thymine     5-methyl-1H-pyrimidine-2,4- dione

Synonyms: Thymin, Thymine-t, CHEMBL993, PubChem9313, Thymine-2-14C, ...
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Disease relevance of thymine

  • Ultraviolet irradiation forms covalent crosslinks between E. coli RNA polymerase and the lac UV5 promoter substituted with bromouracil in the place of thymine [1].
  • McArdle's disease is genetically heterogeneous, but the most common mutation is the substitution of thymine for cytosine at codon 49 [2].
  • The linkages are susceptible to direct photoreversal by 254 nm UV, as expected for cyclobutane-type thymine dimers, but they are not cleaved by the bacteriophage T4 endonuclease V, a dimer-specific DNA repair enzyme [3].
  • Excision of thymine dimers from specifically incised DNA by extracts of xeroderma pigmentosum cells [4].
  • In 24 (69%) of the 35 papillary thyroid carcinomas examined, we found a missense thymine (T)-->adenine (A) transversion at nucleotide 1796 in the BRAF gene (T1796A) [5].

Psychiatry related information on thymine

  • The reactivity of FCDI with the guanine bases was smaller than that with the thymine ones and the prolongation of the reaction time resulted in a lower yield [6].
  • Our previous study suggested that the tumour necrosis factor-alpha gene with thymine residue at position -857 in its promoter region [TNF-alpha(-857T)] could be associated with human narcolepsy independently of a strong association of the human leucocyte antigen (HLA)-DRB1*1501 with the disorder [7].

High impact information on thymine

  • Dpo4 is also captured in the crystal translocating two template bases to the active site at once, suggesting a possible mechanism for bypassing thymine dimers [8].
  • Vertebrate genomic DNA is generally CpG depleted, possibly because methylation of cytosines at 80% of CpG dinucleotides results in their frequent mutation to thymine, and thus CpG to TpG dinucleotides [9].
  • In E. coli, the enzyme recognizes a TG mismatched base pair, generated after spontaneous deamination of methylated cytosines, and cleaves the phosphate backbone on the 5' side of the thymine [10].
  • Analysis of 347 plaques obtained after transfection of this modified DNA indicated that mispairs were corrected in 343 cases (99%), revealing 314 repair events in favor of guanine (90%) and 29 in favor of thymine (8%) [11].
  • The thymine glycosylase MBD4 can bind to the product of deamination at methylated CpG sites [12].

Chemical compound and disease context of thymine


Biological context of thymine

  • TFIID binding shows phosphate contacts with the same residues that were found to be essential for TFIID interactions by methylation and thymine-specific modification interference assays [18].
  • Age-dependent excision repair of damaged thymine from gamma-irradiated DNA by isolated nuclei from human fibroblasts [19].
  • Hydrolytic deamination of 5-methylcytosine bases in DNA leads to thymine residues, and hence to T/G mismatches, pre-mutagenic DNA lesions consisting of two natural DNA constituents and thus devoid of an obvious marker of the damaged DNA strand [20].
  • Recombinant human DNA polymerase eta corrects the inability of XP-V cell extracts to carry out DNA replication by bypassing thymine dimers on damaged DNA [21].
  • We report here that thymidine oligonucleotides annealed to polydeoxyadenylate can be ligated end-to-end by UV irradiation, via thymine dimerization of the terminal nucleotides in adjacent oligonucleotides [3].

Anatomical context of thymine

  • Using an improved cell-free assay for trans-lesion DNA synthesis, we have recently isolated a DNA polymerase from HeLa cells that continues replication on damaged DNA by bypassing ultraviolet-induced thymine dimers in XP-V cell extracts [21].
  • Induction and repair of thymine glycols were studied in irradiated A549 cells (a human lung carcinoma cell line) [22].
  • Since 1971 thymine-requiring (thy-) pathogens have been isolated from the urine of 8 patients with renal calculi, and from the sputum of 1 patient with chronic chest infection [23].
  • Crude extracts of normal human diploid fibroblasts and of human peripheral blood lymphocytes excise thymine dimers from purified ultraviolet-irradiated DNA, or from the DNA presumably present as chromatin in unfractionated cell-free preparations of cells that had been labeled with [3H]thymidine [24].
  • Thymine glycols were produced in DNA in a dose-dependent manner after exposure of human mammary epithelial cells to benzo[a]pyrene [25].

Associations of thymine with other chemical compounds


Gene context of thymine

  • This structure indicates a more invasive interaction with dsDNA than observed with other UDGs and reveals an elegant water displacement/replacement mechanism that allows SMUG1 to exclude thymine from its active site while accepting HmU [32].
  • DME and ROS1 show a preference for 5-meC over thymine in the symmetric dinucleotide CpG context, where most plant DNA methylation occurs [33].
  • The ER mutant HE84, which contains a single amino acid exchange, Glu-203 to Gly, in the knuckle of ER, creates a promiscuous ER that is able to bind to GRE/PREs by contacting this thymine [34].
  • Using reverse transcription-PCR, single-strand conformational polymorphism, and sequencing analysis, the COOH-terminal domain of SMAD4 was found to be mutated: a single thymine was inserted between nt 1521 and 1522 in 2 of 20 tumors analyzed [35].
  • Mismatch repair in methylated DNA. Structure and activity of the mismatch-specific thymine glycosylase domain of methyl-CpG-binding protein MBD4 [36].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of thymine


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