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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Role of platelet factor Xa in chylomicron-prothrombin complexes induced platelet activation.

The effects of chylomicron-prothrombin complexes on platelet activation, including platelet aggregation, serotonin release, arachidonic acid release and increases of platelet cytosolic [Ca2+]i were examined. Furthermore the role of platelet factor Xa on the conversion of chylomicron bound prothrombin to thrombin was studied by using a synthetic inhibitor of factor Xa, TenStop. The chylomicron-prothrombin complexes could induce platelet aggregation and enhance the platelet serotonin release and arachidonic acid release in contrast to native chyle chylomicrons. An increase of platelet [Ca2+]i was observed during incubation with chylomicron-prothrombin complexes. TenStop inhibited platelet aggregation and serotonin release that were induced by chylomicron-prothrombin complexes in a dose-dependent manner, whereas the TenStop itself did not inhibit the platelet aggregation induced by thrombin and collagen. It is concluded that platelet activation induced by chylomicron-prothrombin complexes is related to the platelet factor Xa that could be the key factor in the conversion of chylomicron bound prothrombin to thrombin.[1]


  1. Role of platelet factor Xa in chylomicron-prothrombin complexes induced platelet activation. Xu, N., Zhou, L., Ohlin, A.K., Nilsson, A. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. (1995) [Pubmed]
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