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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

The nucleotide sequence of TTP1, a gene encoding a predicted type II membrane protein.

The DNA sequence of a 2967 bp fragment located near the centromere of chromosome II, between the CEN2 and FUR4 genes, was determined. The segment contains a new open reading frame of 1794 bp. The product encoded by the gene, designated TTP1, is a predicted type II membrane protein of 597 amino acid residues with a short cytoplasmic NH2-terminus, a membrane-spanning region and a large COOH-terminal region containing three potential N-glycosylation sites. Gene disruption indicated that TTP1 is not essential for cell growth.[1]


  1. The nucleotide sequence of TTP1, a gene encoding a predicted type II membrane protein. Romero, P.A., Athanassiadis, A., Lussier, M., Herscovics, A. Yeast (1994) [Pubmed]
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