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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Intraoral monocortical miniplating of mandible fractures.

OBJECTIVE: Intraoral monocortical miniplate fixation of mandibular fractures provides simultaneous visualization of the fracture and occlusal relation, while almost eliminating external incisions and potential compromise of the marginal mandibular nerve. We sought to analyze the outcome of our patients treated with this technique and compare this with literature standards for mandible fracture repair outcome. DESIGN: A retrospective analysis of outcomes for a case series. SETTING: All treatment performed in inner city, level 1 or 2 trauma rated, teaching hospitals. PATIENTS: During a 5-year period, 287 patients with 499 mandible fractures were treated with intraoral miniplates. Follow-up criteria was available for a retrospective analysis of 246 patients with 432 fractures of the mandible. INTERVENTION: Intraoral monocortical plating techniques were used to treat 313 of these 432 mandibular fractures. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: All complications of bone union, occlusion, wound infection, and dehiscence were graded and tabulated. RESULTS: On analysis of the miniplated fractures, 1.2% of the patients had delayed union, 0.4% had non-union, 6.5% had postoperative wound infection develop, and 4.1% had varying degrees of malunion. Complication rates are comparable with most reported studies of bicortical and monocortical plating of mandible fractures. CONCLUSIONS: Monocortical miniplate fixation is a reliable method of providing rigid fixation. It offers a reasonable alternative to bicortical plating in most mandible fractures.[1]


  1. Intraoral monocortical miniplating of mandible fractures. Valentino, J., Levy, F.E., Marentette, L.J. Arch. Otolaryngol. Head Neck Surg. (1994) [Pubmed]
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