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Wound Infection

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Disease relevance of Wound Infection


High impact information on Wound Infection


Chemical compound and disease context of Wound Infection

  • A short six-dose course of metronidazole significantly reduces the wound-infection rate in patients over the age of 12 undergoing emergency appendicectomy [11].
  • The wound-infection rate after abdominal operations was compared in 113 patients randomly allocated to an untreated control group, a group receiving preoperative lincomycin and tobramycin, or a group receiving local instillation of povidone-iodine [12].
  • However, for surgical procedures lasting more than 4 hours, 5 of 14 patients (37.5%) receiving cefoxitin developed a wound infection v 0 of 13 patients receiving erythromycin-neomycin-cefazolin (p less than .05) [13].
  • Despire poor bile levels, gentamicin was associated with a significant reduction of wound infection from 22% to 6% and septicaemia from 14% to 2% compared with controls [14].
  • The efficacy of cefoxitin, a perioperative parenteral antibiotic, combined with mechanical bowel preparation and oral antibiotics to prevent wound infections and other septic complications in patients undergoing elective colorectal operations, was examined in a prospective randomized study [15].

Biological context of Wound Infection


Anatomical context of Wound Infection


Gene context of Wound Infection


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Wound Infection


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