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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Sensory organ generation in the chick inner ear.

There are a total of eight sensory organs in the chick inner ear. Each sensory organ has a distinct structure tailored for its function, and its morphology is well characterized. However, the origin of these sensory organs and the lineage relationships among them are largely unknown. In this report, we show that BMP4 (bone morphogenetic protein), a secreted protein of the TGF-beta gene family, is the earliest sensory marker identified to date for the chick inner ear. In addition to BMP4, we show that Msx-1 is a sensory marker for the three cristae, the lagena, and macula neglecta. P75NGFR (nerve growth factor receptor) is a marker for the three cristae only. Based on the expression pattern of these three genes-BMP4, Msx-1, and p75NGFR-it is estimated that the first sensory organs to be generated were the superior and posterior cristae at stage 19, followed by the macula sacculi at stage 20, the lateral crista at stage 22, the basilar papilla and lagena at stage 23, the macula utriculi at stage 24, and the macula neglecta at stage 29. The age of generation of each sensory organ as defined by the first appearance of these molecular markers is well in advance of the histological differentiation. In addition, the differential gene expressions in each presumptive sensory organ may contribute to the distinct structure of the mature organ.[1]


  1. Sensory organ generation in the chick inner ear. Wu, D.K., Oh, S.H. J. Neurosci. (1996) [Pubmed]
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