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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Novel DNA-binding protein from Drosophila embryos identified by binding site selection.

The DNA sequence C/AGAGCGC/AGA, related to binding sites for GAF and Zeste transcription factors, was selected from a pool of degenerate PCR fragments for binding to the cytoplasmic protein of Drosophila preblastoderm embryos. Identical DNA binding activity was also detected in embryonic nuclei. Based on several criteria, such as size, intracellular distribution, sensitivity to ATP and protein kinase inhibitor 6-DMAP, kinetics during development and lack of cross-reaction with rabbit anti-GAF serum, protein recognizing selected sequence was shown to differ from either Zeste or GAF.[1]


  1. Novel DNA-binding protein from Drosophila embryos identified by binding site selection. Todorović, V., Kojić, S., Vujanac, M., Savić, A., Stefanović, D. FEBS Lett. (1996) [Pubmed]
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