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Cross Reactions

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Disease relevance of Cross Reactions


High impact information on Cross Reactions

  • Sequencing of human complementary DNA coding for the growth-regulated p68 nuclear protein has revealed the molecular basis for its cross-reaction with SV40 large T antigen and its extensive homology with the translation initiation factor eIF-4A [6].
  • Here we demonstrate that K+-induced 45Ca2+ flux in a cultured human SCC line is significantly reduced by LEMS IgG, suggesting that in SCC-LEMS an autoantibody to tumour Ca2+-channel determinants is triggered; its cross-reaction with similar determinants at the motor nerve terminal could lead to the remote neurological syndrome [7].
  • However, all reported assays show some degree of cross-reaction with Leu-enkephalin and unequivocal differentiation between the two enkephalins and the larger endorphins has not always been possible [8].
  • The identity of the FTZ-F1 complementary DNA clone was confirmed by immunological cross-reaction with antibodies to FTZ-F1 and by sequence analysis of peptides from purified FTZ-F1 protein [9].
  • Cross-reactions among furosemide, hydrochlorothiazide, and sulfonamides [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of Cross Reactions

  • CONCLUSION: Although high-dose ( > 1000 mg) acetaminophen cross-reactions with aspirin were significant with respect to frequency (34%), such reactions included easily reversed bronchospasm in only 22%, and were generally mild [11].
  • Immunochemical studies on a Mycoplasma pneumoniae polysaccharide fraction: cross-reactions with type 23 and 32 antipneumococcal rabbit sera [12].
  • A number of limited to strong cross-reactions in such epitopes were found among serine type IgA1 proteases released by members of the genera Haemophilus and Neisseria, reflecting the common origin of their iga gene [13].
  • The assay is not subject to interference from icterus (bilirubin less than or equal to 360 mg/L), has no cross-reaction with hemoglobin (less than or equal to 42 g/L), and may be performed with either plasma or serum in approximately 1 h [14].
  • Four monoclonal antibodies that react with Sindbis virus glycoproteins have been examined for (i) their effects on virus infectivity, (ii) their ability to recognize conformational changes in glycoprotein structure, and (iii) their cross-reaction with several different alphaviruses [15].

Biological context of Cross Reactions


Anatomical context of Cross Reactions

  • Because both RNP antigens are discussed in the literature in connection with repressed mRNP the observed cross-reaction of the respective antibodies in D. hydei suggests a more general and important function of these proteins in the RNA metabolism of eukaryotic cells [21].
  • It has been shown to precipitate hnRNP particles from HeLa cells through a cross-reaction with the major 32,000- and 34,000-dalton hnRNP particle proteins [22].
  • This shows that the intermediate-sized filaments that are abundant in human endothelial cells are predominantly of the vimentin type and can be demonstrated by their cross-reaction with the vimentin of rodents [23].
  • We studied serological cross-reactions of purified pooled IgG from sera of HIV-infected individuals by using nested sets of synthetic overlapping peptides duplicating the covalent structures of T-cell receptors (TCRs) and immunoglobulin light chains and report that two processes of autoantibody production occur [24].
  • The commercial connexin45 antiserum gave widespread labeling throughout the ventricular myocardium, but this labeling was inhibited by a six-amino acid peptide matching part of the connexin43 sequence, indicating cross-reaction of the commercial connexin45 antiserum with connexin43 in the tissue [25].

Associations of Cross Reactions with chemical compounds


Gene context of Cross Reactions


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Cross Reactions


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