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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Effects of alkylating agents on lymphocytes from controls and from patients with Fanconi's anemia. Studies of sister chromatid exchanges, chromosome aberrations, and kinetics of cell division.

The frequency of sister chromatid exchanges (SCE) and chromosome aberrations and the dynamics of cell division in peripheral blood lymphocytes of four patients with Fanconi's anemia were studied after in vitro exposure to alkylating agents TEPA and mitomycin. SCE frequency was significantly increased even after very low doses of mutagens, while chromosome aberrations were significantly increased only after high doses (0.160 micrograms/ml mitomycin and 10(-5) M TEPA). The responses of Fanconi's anemia cells and control cells did not differ significantly. The increased frequency of both SCE and chromosome aberrations was accompanied by gradual delay of cell division, which was most conspicuous in cells from patients with Fanconi's anemia.[1]


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