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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

New markers on bovine chromosome 1 are closely linked to the polled gene in Simmental and Pinzgauer cattle.

In this study, four new markers located on bovine Chromosome 1 were tested for linkage with the polled condition in the Simmental and Pinzgauer breeds. The microsatellites INRA212 (D1S42) and the gene for keratin-associated protein 8 (KAP8) show significant linkage with polled at theta = 0.00 (Lod = 6.92), and theta = 0.033 (Lod = 6. 52) respectively. The microsatellite INRA117 (D1S20) and the gene for interferon-alpha receptor (IFNAR) show maximum Lod scores of 2.1 and 1.8 at a recombination rate of zero.[1]


  1. New markers on bovine chromosome 1 are closely linked to the polled gene in Simmental and Pinzgauer cattle. Harlizius, B., Tammen, I., Eichler, K., Eggen, A., Hetzel, D.J. Mamm. Genome (1997) [Pubmed]
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