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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Bacterial acid phosphatase gene fusions useful as targets for cloning-dependent insertional inactivation.

The Morganella morganii phoC gene, encoding a class A acid phosphatase, was used to generate gene fusions with modified amino-terminal moieties of the Escherichia coli lacZ gene carrying a multiple-cloning site flanked by phage-specific promoters and recognition sites for universal sequencing primers. The corresponding hybrid proteins retained a PhoC-like enzymatic activity which is easily detectable by a plate histochemical assay, rendering similar gene fusions potentially useful as targets for cloning-dependent insertional inactivation. Cloning experiments performed in plasmids carrying similar lacZ-phoC fusions confirmed their usefulness as cloning vectors for direct screening of recombinants. As compared to conventional lacZ alpha-complementation-based vectors, which can only be used in E. coli hosts carrying specific lacZ mutations, the lacZ-phoC fusion-based vectors can be used in combination with any E. coli host and require a less expensive histochemical assay for screening of recombinants, while retaining all the advantageous features that made the former so popular as general purpose cloning vehicles.[1]


  1. Bacterial acid phosphatase gene fusions useful as targets for cloning-dependent insertional inactivation. Thaller, M.C., Berlutti, F., Schippa, S., Selan, L., Rossolini, G.M. Biotechnol. Prog. (1998) [Pubmed]
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