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Gene Review

umpG  -  broad specificity 5'(3')-nucleotidase and...

Escherichia coli str. K-12 substr. MG1655

Synonyms: ECK2739, JW2714, surE, ygbC
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Disease relevance of surE


High impact information on surE


Chemical compound and disease context of surE


Biological context of surE

  • These cells were found to survive poorly in stationary phase, at elevated temperatures, and in high-salt media compared with parent cells containing the intact gene, and we thus designate this gene surE (survival). surE appears to be the first gene of a bicistronic operon also containing the pcm gene [14].
  • Mutations in the Escherichia coli surE gene increase isoaspartyl accumulation in a strain lacking the pcm repair methyltransferase but suppress stress-survival phenotypes [15].
  • Analysis of the nucleotide sequence and of the origins of transcription have confirmed that the P2-appC-appB- (ORFX)-P1-appA region is organized on the chromosome as an operon transcribed clockwise from P2 and that P1 is a minor promoter for appA alone [16].
  • Analyses of the sequences, phylogenetic distribution, and genomic organization of the SurE family reveal examples of genomes encoding multiple surE genes, and suggest that SurE homologs constitute a broad family of enzymes with phosphatase-like activities [17].
  • The product of the previously identified appY gene, which when present on a high-copy-number plasmid stimulates synthesis of acid phosphatase, was shown to activate the cyx promoter [18].

Anatomical context of surE


Associations of surE with chemical compounds


Regulatory relationships of surE

  • A null mutation in surE also suppressed stress-survival defects previously observed in a pcm mutant strain, providing further evidence for an interaction between the two gene products [15].

Other interactions of surE


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of surE


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