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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Pathways for angiotensin II generation in intact human tissue: evidence from comparative pharmacological interruption of the renin system.

Multiple lines of evidence have suggested that alternative pathways to the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) exists for angiotensin II (Ang II) generation in the heart, large arteries, and the kidney. In vitro studies in intact tissues, homogenates, or membrane isolates from the heart and large arteries have repeatedly demonstrated such pathways, but the issue remains unresolved because the approaches used have not made it possible to extrapolate from the in vitro to the in vivo situation. For our in vivo model, we studied young and healthy human volunteers, for the most part white and male; when these subjects achieved balance on a low salt diet to activate the renin system, the response of renal perfusion to pharmacological interruption of the renin system was studied. With this approach, we studied the renal vasodilator response to 3 ACE inhibitors, 2 renin inhibitors, and 2 Ang II antagonists at the top of their respective dose-response relationships. When these studies were initiated, our premise was that a kinin-dependent mechanism contributed to the renal hemodynamic response to ACE inhibition; therefore, the renal vasodilator response to ACE inhibition would exceed the alternatives. To our surprise, both renin inhibitors and both Ang II antagonists that were studied induced a renal vasodilator response of 140 to 150 mL/min/1.73 m2, approximately 50% larger than the maximal renal hemodynamic response to ACE inhibition, which was 90 to 100 mL/min/1.73 m2. In light of the data from in vitro systems, our findings indicate that in the intact human kidney, virtually all Ang II generation is renin-dependent but at least 40% of Ang I is converted to Ang II by pathways other than ACE, presumably a chymase, although other enzyme pathways exist. Preliminary data indicate that the non-ACE pathway may be substantially larger in disease states such as diabetes mellitus. One implication of the studies is that at the tissue level, Ang II antagonists have much greater potential for blocking the renin-angiotensin system than does ACE inhibition-with implications for therapeutics.[1]


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