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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

A new allelic series for the underwhite gene on mouse chromosome 15.

A new allelic series at the underwhite gene is described. Three of the alleles in the series--uw, uwd, and Uwdbr--arose as spontaneous mutations on different genetic backgrounds at The Jackson Laboratory. We report here the visible phenotypes and dominance hierarchy of these alleles, all of which are defined by a reduction of pigmentation in both eye and coat color. Electron microscopic analysis of retinal epithelium suggests that the primary defect is in the melanosome. The degree of severity of melanosome anomalies in the retina correlates with the degree of hypopigmentation in the coat. The perturbed gene and its gene product are unknown. We show that the uw locus is genetically distinct from Myo10, a suggested candidate gene for this mutation.[1]


  1. A new allelic series for the underwhite gene on mouse chromosome 15. Sweet, H.O., Brilliant, M.H., Cook, S.A., Johnson, K.R., Davisson, M.T. J. Hered. (1998) [Pubmed]
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