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Gene Review

ADAR  -  adenosine deaminase, RNA-specific

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: 136 kDa double-stranded RNA-binding protein, ADAR1, AGS6, DRADA, DSH, ...
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Disease relevance of ADAR


Psychiatry related information on ADAR

  • Conclusions: Multi-targeted interventions are needed to reduce the risk of psychopathology and associated DSH repetition [7].
  • BACKGROUND: Deliberate self-harm (DSH, attempted suicide) is one of the most common reasons for emergency hospital admission in Great Britain. Approximately 20 % of patients repeat self-harm in the 12 months after admission [8].

High impact information on ADAR


Biological context of ADAR


Anatomical context of ADAR

  • This inhibition can be observed in extracts prepared from interferon-treated human cells and from monkey COS cells in which wild-type recombinant ADAR was expressed [1].
  • In cultured cells, we observed that both human ADAR1 (hADAR1) and hADAR2 were capable of editing the amber/W site with comparable efficiencies [4].
  • ADAR1 mRNA content was 3.5 times higher in SLE cells than in control T cells (p=0.001) [18].
  • In agreement with this observation, endogenous ADAR1 was identified in the cytoplasm and nucleolus of mouse splenocytes and HeLa cells [19].
  • Direct sequencing of cDNA fragments produced by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and real-time quantitative RT-PCR were used to examine the expression of ADAR in peripheral lymphocytes isolated from affected individuals [20].

Associations of ADAR with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of ADAR

  • The PKR KCS element selectively bound nuclear proteins more efficiently than did the ADAR1 KCS-l element [25].
  • We have examined the effects of equivalent site-directed mutations in each of the three R-motif copies of dsRAD on RNA-binding activity and adenosine deaminase enzyme activity [26].

Co-localisations of ADAR

  • We show that ADAR1 colocalizes with SUMO-1 in a subnucleolar region that is distinct from the fibrillar center, the dense fibrillar component, and the granular component [27].

Regulatory relationships of ADAR

  • ADAR3 inhibited in vitro the activities of RNA editing enzymes of the ADAR gene family, raising the possibility of a regulatory role in RNA editing [28].
  • The promoter-proximal KCS element of the PKR kinase gene enhances transcription irrespective of orientation and position relative to the ISRE element and is functionally distinct from the KCS-like element of the ADAR deaminase Promoter [25].

Other interactions of ADAR

  • We also defined the minimal HDV substrate required for hADAR1- and hADAR2-mediated editing [4].
  • We report here the identification and characterization of a human ADAR protein, hADAT1, that specifically deaminates adenosine 37 to inosine in eukaryotic tRNA(Ala) [14].
  • The sequences of the KCS and KCS-l elements and their positions relative to the cognate ISRE element are similar between the PKR and ADAR1 promoters [25].
  • Identification and characterization of a human tRNA-specific adenosine deaminase related to the ADAR family of pre-mRNA editing enzymes [14].
  • Furthermore, nuclear accumulation of human (hs) ADAR1 is transcription dependent and can be stimulated by LMB, an inhibitor of Crm1-dependent nuclear export, indicating that hsADAR1 can move between the nucleus and cytoplasm [29].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of ADAR

  • Gel shift analysis revealed that two complexes are formed on the RNA as protein concentration is increased; the ADAR monomers can be cross-linked to one another in an RNA-dependent fashion [21].
  • This study should be useful for genetic counseling and prenatal diagnosis for affected families and in expanding the database on ADAR gene mutations in DSH [30].
  • Because transcript editing is regulated by adenosine deaminases that act on RNA (ADAR), we quantified expression of ADAR1 transcripts in SLE and control T cells by competitive PCR [18].
  • Crystallization of the Zalpha domain of the human editing enzyme ADAR1 complexed with a DNA-RNA chimeric oligonucleotide in the left-handed Z-conformation [31].
  • Interaction of the Zalpha domain of human ADAR1 with a negatively supercoiled plasmid visualized by atomic force microscopy [32].



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