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BOLA  -  major histocompatibility complex

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Disease relevance of BOLA

  • The presence of class I major histocompatibility complex-restricted CTLs with potentially autoreactive specificities in preimmune animals raises the possibility of a role for such cells in autoimmune disease states [1].
  • A major histocompatibility complex class I (BoLA-A) allele that has been previously associated with resistance to PL was associated with longevity and realization of milk production potentials, indicating that genetic resistance to PL will have an economic benefit in herds where BLV is endemic [2].
  • We generated a recombinant influenza virus expressing an epitope from the circumsporozoite protein of P. yoelii known to be recognized by CD8+ T cells and demonstrated that this vector induced class I major histocompatibility complex-restricted cytotoxic T cells against this foreign epitope [3].
  • Using a permeabilized cell system in which major histocompatibility complex class I heavy chains are retrotranslocated under the influence of the human cytomegalovirus protein US11, we demonstrate that polyubiquitination alone is insufficient to provide the driving force for retrotranslocation [4].
  • Since malignant transformation of cells is associated with changes in structures coded by the MHC region, 10 cultured human melanoma and sarcoma cells and autologous SV40-transformed fibroblasts were tested for expression of MRBC receptors and compared with normal autologous fibroblasts [5].

High impact information on BOLA


Chemical compound and disease context of BOLA


Biological context of BOLA

  • A possible explanation for the unique findings that the expression of anti-GPhe idiotypic determinants in mice of H-2q haplotype are dictated by the gene product in the MHC is that the macrophages in mice of H-2q haplotype present unique determinants of GPhe polymer in the response process to GHphe [14].
  • Specific suppression of major histocompatibility complex class I and class II genes in astrocytes by brain-enriched gangliosides [15].
  • Experiments were conducted to determine whether the acquisition of the secondary B cells' MHC collaborative phenotype was dependent on the presence of T cells during in vivo immunization [16].
  • This induction is uniquely mediated by three DNA elements in the promoter region of class II MHC genes [17].
  • These studies may be important for understanding mechanisms of central nervous system (CNS)-specific regulation of major histocompatibility molecules in neuroectodermal cells and the role of gangliosides in regulating MHC-restricted antiviral and autoimmune responses within the CNS [15].

Anatomical context of BOLA


Associations of BOLA with chemical compounds


Regulatory relationships of BOLA


Other interactions of BOLA


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of BOLA


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