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Chemical Compound Review

Puchel     pentasodium 11-[2-[2-[2-(10...

Synonyms: AC1Q1ULU, LS-101393, AC1L4Y6U, 75977-88-7
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High impact information on 11-[2-[2-[2-(10-carboxydecylcarbamoylmethyl-(carboxymethyl)amino)ethyl-(carboxymethyl)amino]ethyl-(carboxymethyl)amino]ethanoylamino]undecanoic acid

  • When given 1 hr after Cd injection, the efficacy of all the agents tested was markedly reduced or abolished; at this time only Puchel and Puch-D provoked significant reductions in the body burden of Cd by 21 and 32%, respectively [1].
  • Puchel cannot reduce the kidney Cd burden but removes Cd from the liver only while BAL is effective in both organs [2].
  • DTPA is superior to its lipophilic derivative Puchel in removing 234Th, 238,239Pu and 241Am from Chinese hamsters and rats [3].
  • After the administration of Puchel, as single or repeated doses of the pentasodium salt, an LD50/ld value of 530 +/- 44 mg kg-1 was obtained [4].
  • Decorporation of inhaled americium-241 dioxide and nitrate from hamsters using ZnDTPA and Puchel [5].


  1. Influence of chelating agents on the distribution and excretion of cadmium in rats. Planas-Bohne, F., Lehmann, M. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. (1983) [Pubmed]
  2. Influence of several chelating agents on the distribution and binding of cadmium in rats. Rau, W., Planas-Bohne, F., Taylor, D.M. Human toxicology. (1987) [Pubmed]
  3. DTPA is superior to its lipophilic derivative Puchel in removing 234Th, 238,239Pu and 241Am from Chinese hamsters and rats. Volf, V., Peter, E. Health physics. (1984) [Pubmed]
  4. A toxicological study of the pentasodium salt of puchel using CBA mice. Ellender, M., Payne, S., Godding, K.L. Human toxicology. (1984) [Pubmed]
  5. Decorporation of inhaled americium-241 dioxide and nitrate from hamsters using ZnDTPA and Puchel. Stradling, G.N., Stather, J.W., Sumner, S.A., Moody, J.C., Strong, J.C. Health physics. (1984) [Pubmed]
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