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Chemical Compound Review

Pentaind     2-[2-[2-(bis(carboxymethyl) amino)ethyl...

Synonyms: Detapac, Penthanil, Pentetates, DTPA, CaNa-DTPA, ...
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Disease relevance of Detapac


Psychiatry related information on Detapac


High impact information on Detapac

  • Administration of DTPA iron (III) did not alter mean systemic arterial pressure, but did protect baboons in the presence of high levels of TNF-alpha and free radical overproduction [1].
  • In contrast, reagents which are excluded from the cell such as superoxide dismutase or DTPA did not protect the cells against H2O2 [9].
  • Applying a three-compartment model of inulin/DTPA kinetics (which takes backleak into account) revealed the residence time of intravenously administered inulin/DTPA in the compartment occupied by tubular fluid and urine to be markedly prolonged, 20 vs. 6 min in controls, suggesting reduced velocity of tubular fluid flow [10].
  • Technetium sulfur colloid was found to bind more firmly to cooked egg whites than did the water soluble marker DTPA [11].
  • Gastric emptying was measured using a gamma camera technique and a solid meal labeled with 99mtechnetium-labeled diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid [12].

Chemical compound and disease context of Detapac


Biological context of Detapac

  • The DTPA-based, insoluble, inactive contrast agent was internalized into dendritic cells by phagocytosis [18].
  • In nine normal nonsmoking adults, the rate of clearance of DTPA, corrected for background activity, was 1.5 (SD 0.7) %/min over the first 10 min after inhalation [19].
  • Second, in the presence of DTPA, which inhibits H2O2-induced SOD1 non-active site fragmentation, (bi)carbonate scavenged the enzyme-bound oxidant at the SOD1 active site to produce the carbonate radical anion, CO3*-, thus protecting against active site SOD1 fragmentation [20].
  • RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS--From the records of the Children's Hospital Diabetes Clinic, we selected 70 patients with GFR determined by 99mTc-labeled DTPA plasma clearance, stable renal function, and simultaneous measurements of height, weight, blood pressure, HbA1c, and plasma creatinine [21].
  • The initial distribution volume of AIB and MeAIB in brain tissue was several-fold greater than that of DTPA and the tissue plasma volume, and this difference was not accounted for by red blood cell uptake [22].

Anatomical context of Detapac


Associations of Detapac with other chemical compounds


Gene context of Detapac


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Detapac

  • The half-life of DTPA iron (III) was 51 +/- 9 min in normal baboons; primary clearance was consistent with glomerular filtration [1].
  • The 111In-labeled pentetic acid (DTPA), derivative of mAb 225 (111In-DTPA-225) was injected intraperitoneally into nude mice bearing subcutaneous tumor xenografts [38].
  • T1 relaxation time at 90 MHz, measured in tumors removed from nude mice 24 hr after injection of Gd X DTPA-mAb 19-9 (Gd, 20 mumol/kg; 16 DTPA molecules per mAb molecule), was significantly decreased (by 15%) as compared with the control group [2].
  • Immediately following the therapeutic infusion, diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid was administered by continuous i.v. infusion over 3 days at 250 mg/m2 body surface area/24 h [39].
  • In animals receiving 90Y-CO17-1A prepared by the cyclic DTPA anhydride technique, tumor volume was unchanged from base line at a dose of 200 microCi/25 g [40].


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