Chemical Compound Review:
Limettin 5,7-dimethoxychromen-2-one
Limetin, citropten, Citraptene, Citroptene, CHEMBL481049, ...
- The photobinding of 5,7-dimethoxycoumarin to adenovirus type-2 DNA. A method for in vitro mutagenesis. Jung, V., Song, P.S., Harter, M.L. Biochim. Biophys. Acta (1983)
- Photobiological activity of 5,7-dimethoxycoumarin. Ashwood-Smith, M.J., Poulton, G.A., Liu, M. Experientia (1983)
- High-performance liquid chromatographic determination of citropten and bergapten in suction blister fluid after solar product application in humans. Makki, S., Treffel, P., Humbert, P., Agache, P. J. Chromatogr. (1991)
- Citropten and bergapten suction blister fluid concentrations after solar product application in man. Treffel, P., Makki, S., Faivre, B., Humbert, P., Blanc, D., Agache, P. Skin Pharmacol. (1991)