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Chemical Compound Review

dTpdA     [(2R,3S,5R)-5-(6-aminopurin- 9-yl)-3...

Synonyms: Dtl-dad, TA(Asterisk), d(Tpa), d(A-T), d(AT), ...
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Disease relevance of Dtl-dad

  • Termination of RNA synthesis with 3'-O-Methylnucleoside 5'-triphosphates have been studied using E. coli RNA polymerase holoenzyme and poly [d(A-T)] as well as unfractionated T7 D delta III DNA as templates [1].
  • Maximal transcription of DNA from a Halobacterium halobium phage øH (øH DNA) proceeds at pH 8.5 AND 75 DEGREES C. The enzyme is stable up to 75 degrees C and strictly requires a DNA template. øH DNA and poly[d(A-T) . d(A-T)] are the most efficient [2].
  • Polymerase B could utilize poly d(A-T) and poly dAdT as templates, but could not use Bacillus cereus DNA though the structure is reported to be similar to that of poly d(A-T) [3].
  • This susceptibility of d(A-T) sequences to 5,7-dimethoxycoumarin interaction has a corresponding influence on the survival of adenovirus because of the A-T-rich sequences that occur in some of the early gene regions of the adenovirus genome [4].

High impact information on Dtl-dad

  • The transition enthalpy delta H for the B- to Z-DNA transition per mole base pairs (mbp) amounts to 2.0 +/- 0.2kcal for poly d(G-C), to 4.0 +/- 0.4kcal for poly d(A-T), and to 3.1 +/- 0.3kcal for poly d(A-C) poly d(G-T) [5].
  • From the modification of the poly d(A-T) melting curve we estimate a maximum binding ratio of about one tetrameric repressor to about 20 basic pairs [6].
  • We investigated the results of interactions of cisplatin, a DNA binding anticancer drug, and its inactive counterpart, transplatin isomer, on the molecular conformation of polynucleotides: poly d(G-C). poly d(G-C) (polyGC) and poly d(A-T). poly d(A-T) (polyAT) [7].
  • The fidelity of poly [d(A-T)] copying catalyzed by DNA polymerase-beta-dissociated from liver chromatin was comparable to that of the chromatin-directed synthesis [8].
  • In addition, there are distinct qualitative differences in the type of DNA present in the membrane fraction, with a more highly d(A-T) rich DNA being present in confluent (G0) cells than in cells during the S phase [9].

Chemical compound and disease context of Dtl-dad


Biological context of Dtl-dad

  • Exposure of sulfhydryl groups as indicated by titration kinetics is decreased under conditions where RNA polymerase exists as a dimer or higher aggregate (low salt), in the presence of Mn2+, or when bound to d(A-T) [12].
  • Poly [d(A-T)] melting studies suggest that at least three of the plasmid encoded SSBs are better helix-destabilizing proteins than is the E. coli SSB protein [13].
  • Fluorescence energy transfer between dimethyldiazaperopyrenium dication and ethidium intercalated in poly d(A-T) [14].
  • The enhancement phenomenon is sensitive to the base sequence of the polynucleotide with dye/poly r(A-U) and dye/poly r(G-C) combinations displaying enhanced antiviral activity, while dye/poly (rI).poly (rC) and dye/poly d(A-T) combinations do not [15].

Anatomical context of Dtl-dad

  • In contrast to the situation in vivo, it is found that poly[d(A-T1 - d(A-T)] is as efficiently transcribed in vitro by oocyte polymerase as by egg polymerase [16].
  • Additionally poly[d(A-T) - d(A-T)] is transcribed ten-fold more efficiently in vitro than calf thymus native DNA [16].
  • The spectra reflected structural differences between poly[d(A-T).d(A-T)] and crab gonad DNA (which is extremely rich in d(A-T) base-pairing) [17].

Associations of Dtl-dad with other chemical compounds


Gene context of Dtl-dad

  • Incubation of phenylmercurisulfonate with RNA polymerase above pH 9.0 results in loss of d(A-T) binding ability [12].
  • It is shown that in 0.1 M phosphate buffer the CD measurement can be used to determine the binding constant of lac repressor to poly d(A-T) [18].
  • The primer/template-independent polymerization appeared to proceed via two reactions, the slow process of formation of 16-19 nt long oligo d(A-T) without primer/template and the rapid process of elongation of the oligo d(A-T) by self-priming [21].
  • delta Tth DNA polymerase catalyzed polymerization of dATP and dTTP into a high-molecular-weight d(A-T) copolymer using oligo-d(A-T) as the template/primer (Hanaki et al., Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 244, 210-219) [22].
  • But when the substrates were depleted, Taq DNA polymerase degraded the high molecular weigh d(A-T) polymer to the oligomers which were resistant to the further digestion by the 5'-->3' exonuclease activity of Taq DNA polymerase [21].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Dtl-dad


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  3. Studies on a thermophilic RNA polymerase which is active only on poly d(A-T) and poly dAdT. Date, T., Suzuki, K., Imahori, K. J. Biochem. (1975) [Pubmed]
  4. The photobinding of 5,7-dimethoxycoumarin to adenovirus type-2 DNA. A method for in vitro mutagenesis. Jung, V., Song, P.S., Harter, M.L. Biochim. Biophys. Acta (1983) [Pubmed]
  5. Energetics of Z-DNA formation in poly d(A-T), poly d(G-C), and poly d(A-C) poly d(G-T). Klump, H.H., Schmid, E., Wosgien, M. Nucleic Acids Res. (1993) [Pubmed]
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  7. Atomic force microscopy examination of conformations of polynucleotides in response to platinum isomers: significance of GC content at broken ends. Pang, D., Chasovskikh, S., Cohen, J.S., Obcemea, C., Dritschilo, A. Int. J. Cancer (2000) [Pubmed]
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  11. Interaction of 4,5-dibromo-2,7-di-(acetatomercuri)-fluorescein with DNAs of different base composition. Dattagupta, N., Bünemann, H., Müller, W. Biochim. Biophys. Acta (1975) [Pubmed]
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