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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)
Chemical Compound Review

AGN-PC-00Q2A9     [3,4,5-trihydroxy-5- (hydroxymethyl)oxolan...

Synonyms: SureCN1532483, AR-1H2465, AC1L19VB, AC1Q6RZ4, 53798-20-2, ...
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Disease relevance of fructose-6P


High impact information on fructose-6P


Biological context of fructose-6P


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of fructose-6P

  • Gel mobility shift assays showed that the complex between a DNA fragment carrying the lac operators and LacR mutants K72A, K80A, K213A and D210A did not dissociate in the presence of tagatose-6-phosphate, in contrast to wild type LacR [2].


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