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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)
Gene Review

cysA  -  sulfate/thiosulfate ABC transporter ATP...

Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhimurium str. LT2

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Disease relevance of cysA


High impact information on cysA

  • Although cysA and crr have been reported to be located on opposite sides of ptsHI, our results suggest that the correct gene order is cysK-ptsHI-crr-cysA [2].
  • We constructed inversions of the non-permissive intervals trp ('34) to his ('42) and his ('42) to cysA ('50) [3].
  • The mutations lay in a newly defined gene, termed ptsJ, which mapped on the S. typhimurium chromosome between the ptsHI operon and the cysA gene [4].
  • The mutant locus responsible for this defect has been designated cysM, and genetic mapping suggests that cysM is very close to and perhaps contiguous with cysA [5].


  1. Ethanolamine utilization in Salmonella typhimurium. Roof, D.M., Roth, J.R. J. Bacteriol. (1988) [Pubmed]
  2. Molecular cloning, sequencing, and expression of the crr gene: the structural gene for IIIGlc of the bacterial PEP:glucose phosphotransferase system. Nelson, S.O., Schuitema, A.R., Benne, R., van der Ploeg, L.H., Plijter, J.S., Aan, F., Postma, P.W. EMBO J. (1984) [Pubmed]
  3. Construction of chromosomal rearrangements in Salmonella by transduction: inversions of non-permissive segments are not lethal. Miesel, L., Segall, A., Roth, J.R. Genetics (1994) [Pubmed]
  4. Genetic expression of enzyme I activity of the phosphoenolpyruvate:sugar phosphotransferase system in ptsHI deletion strains of Salmonella typhimurium. Chin, A.M., Sutrina, S., Feldheim, D.A., Saier, M.H. J. Bacteriol. (1987) [Pubmed]
  5. Regulation of O-acetylserine sulfhydrylase B by L-cysteine in Salmonella typhimurium. Hulanicka, M.D., Hallquist, S.G., Kredich, N.M., Mojica-A, T. J. Bacteriol. (1979) [Pubmed]
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