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Gene Order

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Disease relevance of Gene Order


High impact information on Gene Order

  • Multipoint linkage analysis indicated that the following was the most likely gene order: the centromere, the gene for familial Mediterranean fever, D16S84, hemoglobin alpha, and the telomere [6].
  • We discuss the possibility that this gene arrangement has regulatory consequences for the expression of tonB [7].
  • This hypothesis inevitably postulates the gene order 5'-gamma 1-gamma 3-psi gamma-3'. Cloning of overlapping chromosomal segments demonstrates that the gamma 2 gene is located 19 kb 5' to the gamma 4 gene [8].
  • Our results demonstrate close physical linkage between FSHB and the WAGR locus, suggest a gene order for the four deleted markers and exclude other markers tested from this region [9].
  • MHC gene organization (size, complexity, gene order) differs markedly among different species, and yet all nonmammalian vertebrates examined to date have a true "class I region" with tight linkage of genes encoding the class I presenting and processing molecules [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of Gene Order


Biological context of Gene Order

  • We have now established the gene order and gene-polypeptide relationships of the unc operon [15].
  • The relative gene order of cFOS, S31iii125, and S20i15 was the same in both genomes, but in Fugu these three genes lay within a 12.4-kb region, compared to >600 kb in the human AD3 locus [16].
  • At the levels of gene content (124 genes), intron composition (18 introns), and gene order, Chaetosphaeridium cpDNA is remarkably similar to land-plant cpDNAs, implying that most of the features characteristic of land-plant lineages were gained during the evolution of charophytes [17].
  • We established the linkage relationship between the prion gene complex (Prn) and other chromosome 2 genes; the gene order, proximal to distal, is B2m-II-1a-Prn-Itp-A [18].
  • These results indicate that distance from the LCR, an inherent property of spatial gene order, is a major determinant of temporal gene expression during development [19].

Anatomical context of Gene Order


Associations of Gene Order with chemical compounds

  • Analysis of five genes within this syntenic segment of both species revealed striking conservation of gene order, intergenic distance and, to a lesser extent, CpG dinucleotides [24].
  • Our evidence suggests that these genes encode delta (L-alpha-aminoadipyl)-L-cysteinyl-D-valine synthetase (ACVS) and acyl transferase (ACYT) (designated acvA and acyA respectively), the first and third enzymes required for penicillin biosynthesis, with the gene order being acvA-ipnA-acyA [25].
  • The linear arrangement of P60 CNBr fragments gave the gene order of NH2-p15-p12-p30-COOH [26].
  • RAD5 also contains a cysteine-rich sequence motif that resembles the corresponding sequences found in 11 other proteins, including those encoded by the DNA repair gene RAD18 and the RAG1 gene required for immunoglobin gene arrangement [27].
  • The four genes form an scr operon (gene order, scrK scrY scrA scrB, transcription from K to B), regulated by a repressor (gene scrR, 37 kD) and inducible by sucrose, fructose and fructose-containing oligosaccharides [28].

Gene context of Gene Order


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Gene Order


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