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Gene Review

Crygf  -  crystallin, gamma F

Mus musculus

Synonyms: 3110001K11Rik, Cryg-2, DGcry-2, Gamma-F-crystallin, Gamma-crystallin F, ...
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Disease relevance of Crygf


High impact information on Crygf

  • This result is supported by the functional analysis of corresponding expression constructs in cell culture, where the Aey11 and Aey18 alleles did not show a stimulation of the Six3 promotor or an inhibition of the Crygf promoter (as wild-type constructs do) [2].
  • A T-->A exchange in exon 2 of the Crygf gene leads to a Val-->Glu exchange in codon 38 and was considered to be causative for the cataract phenotype; therefore, Crygf(Rop) has been suggested as the designation for the mutation [1].

Biological context of Crygf

  • Reporter gene analysis used Crygf and Six3 promoter fragments in front of a luciferase gene and HEK293 cells as recipients [2].


  1. Crygf(Rop): the first mutation in the Crygf gene causing a unique radial lens opacity. Graw, J., Klopp, N., Neuhäuser-Klaus, A., Favor, J., Löster, J. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. (2002) [Pubmed]
  2. Three novel Pax6 alleles in the mouse leading to the same small-eye phenotype caused by different consequences at target promoters. Graw, J., Löster, J., Puk, O., Münster, D., Haubst, N., Soewarto, D., Fuchs, H., Meyer, B., Nürnberg, P., Pretsch, W., Selby, P., Favor, J., Wolf, E., Hrabé de Angelis, M. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. (2005) [Pubmed]
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