Gene Review:
Six3 - sine oculis-related homeobox 3
Mus musculus
E130112M24Rik, Homeobox protein SIX3, Sine oculis homeobox homolog 3, Six3a, Six3alpha, ...
- Aphakia (ak), a mouse mutation affecting early eye development: fine mapping, consideration of candidate genes and altered Pax6 and Six3 gene expression pattern. Grimm, C., Chatterjee, B., Favor, J., Immervoll, T., Löster, J., Klopp, N., Sandulache, R., Graw, J. Dev. Genet. (1998)
- Six3, a murine homologue of the sine oculis gene, demarcates the most anterior border of the developing neural plate and is expressed during eye development. Oliver, G., Mailhos, A., Wehr, R., Copeland, N.G., Jenkins, N.A., Gruss, P. Development (1995)
- Six3 repression of Wnt signaling in the anterior neuroectoderm is essential for vertebrate forebrain development. Lagutin, O.V., Zhu, C.C., Kobayashi, D., Topczewski, J., Shimamura, K., Puelles, L., Russell, H.R., McKinnon, P.J., Solnica-Krezel, L., Oliver, G. Genes Dev. (2003)
- Six3 overexpression initiates the formation of ectopic retina. Loosli, F., Winkler, S., Wittbrodt, J. Genes Dev. (1999)
- Tyrosine phosphorylation sites on FRS2alpha responsible for Shp2 recruitment are critical for induction of lens and retina. Gotoh, N., Ito, M., Yamamoto, S., Yoshino, I., Song, N., Wang, Y., Lax, I., Schlessinger, J., Shibuya, M., Lang, R.A. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2004)
- Mutually regulated expression of Pax6 and Six3 and its implications for the Pax6 haploinsufficient lens phenotype. Goudreau, G., Petrou, P., Reneker, L.W., Graw, J., Löster, J., Gruss, P. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2002)
- Three novel Pax6 alleles in the mouse leading to the same small-eye phenotype caused by different consequences at target promoters. Graw, J., Löster, J., Puk, O., Münster, D., Haubst, N., Soewarto, D., Fuchs, H., Meyer, B., Nürnberg, P., Pretsch, W., Selby, P., Favor, J., Wolf, E., Hrabé de Angelis, M. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. (2005)
- Six6 (Optx2) is a novel murine Six3-related homeobox gene that demarcates the presumptive pituitary/hypothalamic axis and the ventral optic stalk. Jean, D., Bernier, G., Gruss, P. Mech. Dev. (1999)
- The murine Otp homeobox gene plays an essential role in the specification of neuronal cell lineages in the developing hypothalamus. Wang, W., Lufkin, T. Dev. Biol. (2000)
- Pax6-dependence of Six3, Eya1 and Dach1 expression during lens and nasal placode induction. Purcell, P., Oliver, G., Mardon, G., Donner, A.L., Maas, R.L. Gene Expr. Patterns (2005)
- Six3-mediated auto repression and eye development requires its interaction with members of the Groucho-related family of co-repressors. Zhu, C.C., Dyer, M.A., Uchikawa, M., Kondoh, H., Lagutin, O.V., Oliver, G. Development (2002)
- Directed differentiation of neural cells to hypothalamic dopaminergic neurons. Ohyama, K., Ellis, P., Kimura, S., Placzek, M. Development (2005)
- Molecular cloning and embryonic expression of Xenopus Six homeobox genes. Ghanbari, H., Seo, H.C., Fjose, A., Brändli, A.W. Mech. Dev. (2001)
- Regulation of gene expression by Pax6 in ocular cells: a case of tissue-preferred expression of crystallins in lens. Cvekl, A., Yang, Y., Chauhan, B.K., Cveklova, K. Int. J. Dev. Biol. (2004)
- Six3 activation of Pax6 expression is essential for mammalian lens induction and specification. Liu, W., Lagutin, O.V., Mende, M., Streit, A., Oliver, G. EMBO J. (2006)
- Raldh2 expression in optic vesicle generates a retinoic acid signal needed for invagination of retina during optic cup formation. Mic, F.A., Molotkov, A., Molotkova, N., Duester, G. Dev. Dyn. (2004)
- Goosecoid and cerberus-like do not interact during mouse embryogenesis. Borges, A.C., Marques, S., Belo, J.A. Int. J. Dev. Biol. (2002)
- Regulation of proliferation, cell fate specification and differentiation by the homeodomain proteins Prox1, Six3, and Chx10 in the developing retina. Dyer, M.A. Cell Cycle (2003)