Gene Review:
baf-1 - Protein BAF-1
Caenorhabditis elegans
- Caenorhabditis elegans BAF-1 and its kinase VRK-1 participate directly in post-mitotic nuclear envelope assembly. Gorj??n??cz, M., Klerkx, E.P., Galy, V., Santarella, R., L??pez-Iglesias, C., Askjaer, P., Mattaj, I.W. EMBO J. (2007)
- Barrier-to-autointegration factor is required to segregate and enclose chromosomes within the nuclear envelope and assemble the nuclear lamina. Margalit, A., Segura-Totten, M., Gruenbaum, Y., Wilson, K.L. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2005)
- Barrier-to-autointegration factor plays crucial roles in cell cycle progression and nuclear organization in Drosophila. Furukawa, K., Sugiyama, S., Osouda, S., Goto, H., Inagaki, M., Horigome, T., Omata, S., McConnell, M., Fisher, P.A., Nishida, Y. J. Cell. Sci. (2003)